
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

How to Make a Facebook like box to your blog


Facebook is one of the most social networking sites in the web. There are so many people’s are using facebook. And everyday many new users join facebook. I don’t want more bore you so let’s we come to point. Today in this blog post I tell you about how to make a facebook like box for your blog. Below I am giving all the points.

facebook like box

Sign in to your facebook account.

Now create a page in facebook as you want to display in your blog.

URL of facebook

After creating a page in facebook now click to developers tab.

Or you can also write the URL: - in search tab.
make facebook like box
Now click to Build for website as like given image.
facebook social pluguins for sites

Now click to social pluguins.

After that click to Like Box.
facebook platforms

Now a box is open in this page. Now the main thing is your page URL.

Now change the URL to page URL.

Now click to get code.
iframe code for facebook like box

After that click to IFrame. Now copy the code.
second facebook iframe code of like box

add facebook like box to blogger

go to your blog and click to layout tab and then click to add new gadgets .
configure HTML code in blogger

select html JavaScript and paste the code in this. And save your settings and then take a preview to your blog.

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