
Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

How to remove blogger navbar


 remove blogger navbar
Navbar is a tab or bar which is shown in top of blog. And if we want to give a nice look to our blog then we have to remove the navbar from our blog, because after remove navbar our blog looks like a professional designed blog. So in this blog post I tell you about how to remove blogger navbar from your blog.
Below I given you all instruction, so kindly read this carefully and remove navbar from your blog.
There are many methods to hide blogger navbar, and I tell you some easy methods.

• If you use the Dynamics template in your blog then no need to any navbar, because in dynamic template the navbar is not shown.
• And 2nd is if you add any other template from any other sites than there is no use of any navbar in other templates.
• And if you not use any of one method in above then the 3rd method is given below.
1. Open your browser and sign into your blog. Click here.
2. Then click to templates tab in blogger dashboard.
3. Now click to HTML tab on this.
4. And click to expend HTML tab on above of HTML page.
5. Find </head> tab by pressing CTRL+F.
6. And then copy and paste the given below code before the </head> tab. And the Code is:-
<style type="text/css">
#navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
</style></head> .

7. After paste the code save your setting and take a preview to your blog. You find the navbar is removed from your blog.

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