
Minggu, 02 September 2012

How to make your facebook secure


Facebook is one of the most social networking sites in the world. And we know that many fake id’s are also in facebook and who can also steal your facebook id and also change your password or publish anything from your facebook id’s. So if you don’t want to stolen your facebook id then you have to make your facebook id secure. So today in this blog post I tell you about how to make your facebook id secure and how to avoid from fake facebook users. Before proceed this I want to tell you something about secure page. Secure page contains all secure data which will never be hack by someone. And the URL of secure page is started with “HTTPS” means the page is secure, for example search in your browser address bar “” and press enter key then you finds there the website is opened with or so it means this page contains secure data. So now start to making your facebook page secure.
logo of facebook

First of all sign in with your facebook id. Then click to account setting on right side of your facebook page. And now the account setting pages is open then clicks to security setting.
secure facebook

Now you find there a tab secure browsing, click to edit on this and then click to the box (Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible) and click to save change. After saving your data, you find there secure browsing is currently enabled. Now check your URL in address bar, you find there the URL contains HTTPS with the website or you find there a secure tag with a lock, it means now your facebook page is secure , so enjoy this.

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